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Please use the contact form [new window] and tell me what you have, and what you want in return. Trades will be of equivalent value, i.e 1 disk for 1 disk etc - film for film / tv series for same etc..
VHS Video Tapes
If you have nothing to trade you can send your old VHS tapes as a donation payment (as long as we have agreed to do this because you have something I want).
VHS to DVD Conversions
I can convert your VHS tapes to DVD. It works like this...
1 - You mail me your VHS tapes.
2 - I make a copy of your VHS onto DVD and return the DVD to you. (Or I send you something from my list if you don't want your VHS copied to DVD).
3 - I keep the VHS tape as payment (if we have agreed your VHS is something I want).